2024 garden resolutions: how’d I do?

I was reviewing the admittedly sparse blog posts I wrote in 2024 recently and was reminded that I put down on wax, if you will, a list of things I planned to do in the garden this year. While the year isn’t quite over yet, the gardening season most certainly is here in Wisconsin, as evidenced by the frigid multi-digit-below-freezing temperatures we’re having. So, I thought it would be fun to do a little reflection on how the year went versus how I thought it would go.

Resolution 1: successfully start seeds in my basement

I did this one, successfully indeed! I built up my seed-starting station in the basement to include two levels, four lights, and dozens of new varieties of seeds I’d never tried before. This was a year of experimentation, and in that sense, it was a total success. This is not to say that every plant survived or even thrived, but that I learned what did well and what needed more TLC than I may be willing to give.

Resolution 2: plant the hillside/side yard with a creative ground cover tapestry

My favorite view in my back yard in July

I’d call this one 25% complete. I made some progress on the side yard, picking out the area for the pathway and beginning to plant some shade-tolerant ground covers along it. Last fall, I did a sort of lazy sheet mulching of the side yard, which was helpful in smothering the grass and some of the weeds to prepare for planting that area. Truth be told, I was busy and overwhelmed and didn’t start planting ground covers in the side yard until September, when my favorite local greenhouse had everything on sale. To be continued.

Resolution 3: create a more intentional design for the garden on the right side of my front yard

I’ll mark this one about 33% complete. I still have a lot of space to fill in this part of my front yard, but I’ve added some things that I’m happy with this year. Again, not as much as I’d hoped.

The new azalea in the former vinca patch

Resolution 4: finish pulling out the dreaded vinca next to the driveway

I did this! There are still a few vines that try and creep up here and there, but I’ve got it, I’d say, 95% out as long as I stay on top of it. I’ve begun to fill in that space where the vinca had ruled with an iron fist, including an azalea that matches our fuchsia front door.


Resolution 5: try growing some new vegetables in my raised beds

I certainly completed this one! As I’ve written about extensively in previous blog posts, I started dozens of new varieties from seed in my basement last spring, including a lot of veggies. I was most pleased with some of my tomato varieties (especially the midnight snack cherries), jalapeños, snacking peppers, lettuces, little eggplants, carrots, and summer squash.

Resolution 6: get rid of some more grass

Did it! I cleared another swath of grass in my back yard and, as mentioned above, smothered most of the grass in the side yard. I still have more grass to kill, but it can’t all be done at once!

Overall, I’m fairly content looking back at my year of gardening. I have plenty of projects left to complete, which I derive a lot of joy out of planning. This little reflection exercise was helpful for me to put myself, mentally, back at the beginning of the year and compare to where I am now. While I might not have accomplished as much in my own garden as I’d hoped in 2024, I accomplished more than I could’ve dreamed of in clients’ gardens and that takes the disappointment in what I didn’t do in my yard.


It’s the reading season


37 Gifts for Gardeners